Answer by Dreamside
after assigning Soil_Survey=true; statement you check else if(Soil_Survey.active==true) { Soil_Survey.active=false; } Soil_Survey.active is always toggle fast because you assign it to true,and then...
View ArticleAnswer by Tommynator
if (GUI.Button (new Rect(Screen.width/2 - GUI2_button1_width/2 - GUI2_button1_flatspace, Screen.height/2 - GUI2_button1_height/2 - GUI2_button1_vertspace, GUI2_button1_width, GUI2_button1_height),...
View ArticleAnswer by melonman
I figured it out your code is pretty much spot on except I needed to take out the last part of the code in the top line which states "&& Soil_Survey.active == false" So the final revised piece...
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